Uses Of Notepad

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We all use Notepad in Microsoft Windows. Notepad is the most basic text-editing program using which you can create your documents. Notepad is much like a digital diary. You can write whatever you want to and access it anytime.

One way to create and edit Web pages on your own computer is to use a text editor, such as NotePad, which lets you format your page using HTML tags. Using NotePad to work in HTML, you enter your text, add HTML tags for markup, save the file, and then open it in Internet Explorer or another Web browser. Notepad Free is a small and fast app to create and edit text notes. Features:. simple interface that most of the users find easy to use. no limits on note's length or number of notes (of course there's a limit to phone's storage). creating and editing text notes. importing notes from txt files, saving notes as txt files. sharing notes with other apps (e.g. Sending a note in Gmail. Whether it's for your child, partner, entire family, or yourself, keeping warm and fun memories safe is just another great way to utilize those blank notebooks. Overtime something is said or happens in your life worth remembering, jot it down! You can even use this 'one line a day' idea from Jenni Bick as your inspiration. Use it to keep up with meditations or your favorite prayers, verses, or whatever else that makes you feel more connected in your faith. Not on the High Street has this gratitude journal featured and it got our wheels turning. You could create your very own with some of those blank notebooks you have stacked in the corner.

Notepad is a part of Windows Operating system 1985. But it has remained same in ever evolving Windows operating System but now with user efforts used in productive and efficient manner. Access desktop files from android. Though there are other versions like Notepad++. Well, Notepad is not only famous for its simple text but because of some tricks that you might not know about.

The Notepad Format menu works differently from any Format menu in any other program you're likely to use. It changes the way all the text in the currently open file looks on-screen — regardless of whether that text is selected at the time you choose the Format command — and includes options you can apply to text.

What do you think what can you do with Notepad apart from just text? Well, if you are not familiar with its useful tricks and uses. We are providing you the list of uses that you might not heard about.

10 Amazing Uses of Notepad

1. Digital Diary

You can use Notepad as your digital diary. Diary that will keep you up-to-date regarding whatever you write. Every time you type in notepad, you can automatically insert date and time.

  • First open Notepad file by click Start–> Run and type Notepad.
  • Type .LOG at the top of your Notepad file. Write any number of lines and it will automatically insert time and date after every line of text.
  • If you want to do it manually, press F5 where you want to insert date and time information.

2. Convert Text file into Audio file

Notepad allows you to convert any text file to audio file.

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  • Open Notepad on your Windows Laptop or PC
  • Just copy and paste the code:

Dim message, sapi message=InputBox('Enter your text for','hover PC Hacks Text-to-Audio converter') Set sapi=CreateObjecr('sapi.spvoice') sapi.Speak message.

  • Now save this file with any name you want to with extension .vbs

Must visit : Lock & Unlock Your Computer using USB Device As a Key

3. Create Wi-Fi Hotspot

This is really amazing. How would you react if you get to know you can even create Wi-Fi Hotspot using Notepad? This would definitely surprise you.

How to create?

  • Open Notepad and type copy paste the code:

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Tech4bros key=12345

Netsh wlan start hostednetwork

  • If you want to change SSID or security code, you can do it by changing SSID code in blue color and security code in red color.
  • Save the file as Start.bat
  • Create another notepad and paste code:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

  • Save this file as Stop.bat. Save this file as Stop.bat. Your Wi-Fi Hotspot stopping process is up.
  • Double click the Start.bat file to start Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • Double click the Stop.bat file will stop the broadcast.

4. Good and Evil Script writer

Notepad is simple text editor that can also be used to write complex script. You can create evil scripts which results in formatting of hard drive as well as useful script like PC shutdown. These scripts will be executed with a simple click.

5. Shutdown your friend's computer

Notepad enables you to shut down anyone's PC by conveying message.

  • Open notepad
  • @echo off

Msg * I don't like you

Shutdown-c 'Error! You are stupid!' –s

  • Save file with .bat extension.

6. Pop out CD Drive Continually

You can even use Notepad to continually pop out CD drive. You can use the above code to do so.

  • Open Notepad
  • Set oWMP = CreateObject ('WMPlayer.OCX.7')

Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection Create cad file.


If colCDROMs.Count>=1 then

For i=0 to colCDROMs.Count -1



End If

Wscript.sleep 5000


  • Save file with .vbs extension.

7. Creative Designer Tool

Notepad can break the text to create some impressive text-based design.

  • Open Notepad
  • Type Q33NY in Caps
  • Make Font Size 72
  • Change Font to Wingsdings

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8. Windows Explorer Skipper

Notepad can be used as Windows Explorer Skipper for specific files that cannot be deleted. You can use Notepad to delete such files.

  • Open Notepad
  • GOTO File > Open
  • Select all files from dropdown menu.
  • Browse to folder and click on file you want to remove and click delete.

9. HTML Stripper

Text on web pages is formatted in a specific font type, color, size along with CSS images and elements. Notepad enables you to rip text off from any web page. You just need to select and copy the text from any web page and paste in notepad.

10. HTML Webpage Creator

If you want to create your first webpage using HTML, you are at the right place. Type basic HTML tags, header and save the file with .html extension.

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Notepad is the most simplified text processor present in Windows 10. You know the simple tricks of Notepad, but here, in this article, we have discussed some hidden but very useful tricks of Notepad which may still be unknown to you.


1. Inserting Time & Date-

Inserting Time and Date every time you create a new entry in the log file may be very boring for you, this trick will save a lot amount of effort and time.

1. Open Notepad window.

2. Click on 'Edit' and then click on 'Time/Date'.

3. You will see the date and time is included in Notepad.

Note- You can add date and time simply by pressing 'F5' from your keyboard also.


1. Inserting Time & Date-

Inserting Time and Date every time you create a new entry in the log file may be very boring for you, this trick will save a lot amount of effort and time.

1. Open Notepad window.

2. Click on 'Edit' and then click on 'Time/Date'.

3. You will see the date and time is included in Notepad.

Note- You can add date and time simply by pressing 'F5' from your keyboard also.

2. Use Right-to left Reading Order-

If you are using Arabic or Hebrew language as a default language in Windows 10 and you use the Arabic keyboard in Notepad, this method will be very useful for you.

1. Simply, right-click in Notepad and then select 'Right to left Reading order'.

Now, whenever you will be typing something, it will start from left. Gift ideas for gamblers.

3. Automate Timestamp each time a file is opened-

If you are using a notepad document to keep a log of things, then this is an absolute time-saver. Each time you will open this document on your computer, Notepad will add time and date automatically.

1. Open Notepad window.

2. Add '.LOG' at the beginning of the document (It will be the first line).

3. Save the document by pressing Ctrl+S. External storage devices for computers.

4. Reopen the document.

You will notice a timestamp being attached at the end of the document.

From now on, each time you will open this document, you will notice a timestamp being automatically attached at the end of the document.

4. Go To a specific location in Notepad-

Reallocating one place from another place in Notepad becomes a very time-consuming affair, especially when the document is very large. ‘Go-To' feature of Notepad may come in handy in this case.

1. Open the Notepad window on your computer.

2. Click on 'Format' and make sure 'Word Wrap' is unchecked. If it is not, then simply click on 'Word Wrap' to uncheck it.

3. Now, you can click on 'Edit' and then click on 'Go To…'.


You can press Ctrl+G to do the same.

4. Now, under ‘Line number‘, enter the line number where you want to go, and then click on 'Go-To' to go the exact line number.

You will be relocated to the exact line number.

5. Customize Header & Footer settings in Notepad-

The diversity of customization available in Header & Footer settings of Notepad can surprise you. Follow the steps to discover hidden customization tricks of Header & Footer settings-

1. Open the Notepad window on your computer.

Uses Of Notepads

2. Now, click on 'File' and then click on 'Page Setup…'.

3. In-Page Setup window, set ‘Header‘ and ‘Footer‘ as you wish*, and then click on 'OK' to save the changes on your computer.

Now, you save the file on your computer.

You will not notice any changes in the Notepad window (Header & Footer will remain hidden). When you will print the file, you will see the header and footer are included in the document.


Here are some codes/ special characters which can be used in Header and Footer settings-

Special CharacterOutput

Uses Of Notepad++

&d Date
&t Timestamp
&p Page number
&f Filename
&& Ampersand (&)
&l Left align header/footer
&r Right align header/footer
&c Center align header/footer

Open My Notepad Please

Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.

Uses Of Notepad

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